RMD and Mike, ex bbn2019 housemate to star in a movie as father and son

Nollywood  veteran actor RMD has taken to his Instagram page, announcing a new movie he'll be playing along side Mike, ex bbn2019 housemate, as father and son.

There are movies you'd hear about its cast, and you're sure it's going to be really worth visiting the cinema for. 
RMD for all record is a very good actor, always giving the best to his fans, and he is super excited as much Mike is about the role they'll be playing together.
Ever since the announcement of the movie everyone is yet to see, his fans has never stopped being happy, because they know the duo are sure to bring something great to the table, being that they've seen Mike  play some role while in bbn house and they know for sure he's a good act.

Here's RMD's post on his Instagram's page:
Meet my son @aireyys mike of bbn2019. I love my job, 
I get to not only meet people, but be their friends or father
Or brother. All through the big brother season. My 17 year old daughter
Was one of those rooting for @aireyys and here I am about to play his Dad
And begin a new journey.
Reveal reveal later. See why I will always remain a cool dad?
Imagine my daughter this Christmas back home, telling all her
friends that she can call @aireyys and speak yo him anytime.
So the question... Do we look like father and son?
#new journey
#spanish face.