Makinwa is an avid writer, very adept in it, most times he anonymously writes about girls he laid with, and the ones he almost got laid, how clean they are and how he played with their moons. He already has many likes and followers on Facebook, with several comments and reactions from them.

One thing about Makinwa that I somehow like is that he leaves you puzzled in his stories, they are very much bizarre, he writes them so well, and he leaves his readers pondering on the possibilities of those stories, and how relational they are to real life happening, 'there are so much more than fiction in these stories', a reader once commented. And there are chances of them happening, But he creates the puzzle, leaves you in figuring out the truth behind it.

Makinwa and I have been childhood friends, grew up in same neighborhood, we parted ways after high school, I relocated to to Enugu upon my father's transfer to Radio Corporation Enugu, while he stayed back in Rumuokoro Porthacourt, but we still kept in touch.
 One day, I traveled to porthacourt for a friend's wedding, I couldn't make it to their place early enough and I didn't want to take the risk of walking around an unfamiliar place at an odd hour.
I remembered Makinwa, so i called him, he was too pleased to hear from me, his childhood friend, whom he had last seen over a decade ago.
I told him my plight, he had empathy for me, 'that's not a problem, I'm in Rumuokoro right now, and too good for you it's Marley night, I'll take you grooving, just ask somebody the address of where you are, I'll come meet you there', he said. Ohw! too good, he didn't say I'll come pick you up, I so much hate that phrase, 'pick you up', it makes me feel like some broken doll, or some fallen item, I texted him the address.

I thought about his voice, so sonorously deep, the way he called my name Makayla , made me feel like a princess.
Few minutes later, Makinwa was already with me, we rode in his car to his house, a very beautiful apartment, he made me feel at home, on our way to his house, he stopped at a boutique. He got me a new lingerie, I'd almost blurted out, 'I have my lingerie with me, but I kept calm, I liked the courtesy. Just as we were about to head out of the boutique, he snapped his fingers, 'oh! I almost forgot we're going out for Marley night, let me get  something beautiful you'd wear to the party. He picked this very fine party dress, he knew what exactly would fit perfectly.
Thank you so much Makinwa, that's too much already, i said shyly. come'on there is nothing too much for my all grown beautiful childhood friend, besides i have to do this cause i don't know when i'll see you again so shhhhh, he said.
The party was so lit, it was a bomb, i love partying, Makinwa knows that too, he was glad i enjoyed it.
We went home after the party, he took me to the bathroom, ran the water for me, and then excused me to bath. He brought out the new lingerie, he also gave me a new towel to dry my body, he did just too much, gosh! I  felt like a new wife.

Deep into the night, I lay on same bed with him, his bed was too large to contain the two of us , the air felt and smelt nice, I thought about how many girls had laid on this same bed, I'd  shunned that thought, it isn't my business, I'm just here for genuine reason, to spend just a night and leave the next morning.
I tried to sleep, but somehow I felt an insomnia, I lay as tho I was sleeping, I felt Makinwa stroking his hand around my body. I heard him whisper, 'please Kayla can we?
I momentarily enjoyed the touch, I almost allowed this careless yes slip out, but no! I shouldn't let this moment ruin me.
Makinwa was already pulling this lingerie up, had he intentionally bought that lingerie on purpose for an easy access?. Makayla you don't have to fall for this, I said to myself.

No! Makinwa, I don't want to, I can't do this with you. I've read many of your stories on Facebook, I know you too well, those are more than stories, even if you told me that it's one out them that is a real life happening, and the others fiction, I'll tell you now, that just one out of those stories is a fiction, the rest are real, I wouldn't want to be amongst those stories, I can't do this with you, even if your story about it would completely be anonymous, it'll still hurt reading them.
He exhaled, you're right Kayla, those stories are real, but you different, I won't do that to you.
Non of his tongue in cheek words mattered to me. Lucky for me, Makinwa didn't  force me, he let me be with my decision, and he left the room for me.
I woke up the next morning, and the room felt void of Makinwa's presence, not even his voice was heard. I hurried to the sitting room, I found an envelope with the shape of what looked like money and a note beside it, which read thus: I'm sorry about last night Kayla, take care of yourself, please make do of the little money in that envelope, I couldn't stand seeing your face, so I left before you woke up, I'm really sorry.
Hurriedly I dressed up and left the house. I found my way to my friend's house, I didn't stop thinking about Makinwa, I just felt cruel and wicked, 'but you should have given it to him, he was too nice you know? an inner voice whispered.

No! I said, almost loudly, there was no way I  was going to give it out, not to a kiss and write like Makinwa.