President Donald Trump was impeached for abuse of power in a historic vote in the house of Representative on the 18 of December 2019. A senate trial was set up to remove him from office after three horrible years in office.
By a 230 to 197 vote in the Democratic majority house, the 45th US President made history, becoming the third American President to be impeached
According to the Democrats, they had " no choice" but to formally charge Donald Trump, a Republican whose impeachment along stark party lines places an unforgettable stain on his record.
"What is at risk here is the very idea of America", said Adam Schiff, the law maker who led the impeachment inquiry ahead of the vote.

Four months ago, a whistleblower opened the scandal of Trump pressuring the Vietnam President to inveati his potential white house opposed in 2020, the veteran democrat Joe Biden.

"The Democrats are declaring their deep hatred and disdain for the American voter" Trump said to boos and cheers.
"They've been trying to impeach me from day one, they've been trying to impeach me before I ran", he said.
"Four more years, four more years ", the crowd chanted back.
According to Trump, the impeachment is an "attempted coup" and an" assault on America.

JAMEELA: Becoming ME

                                                     BECOMING ME!

She was holding her little kettle making ablution, about to perform Zub-hi, somehow,she got distracted by the flowers planted around the compound, their home an ancient one, that has been for over a decade. Her husband's from a polygamous family, if one wasn't told how old the house was he/she wouldn't know, being that the house was always renovated, three times every year, the flowers too were always changed by an Horticulturist, the peach color painting of the house gave it some uniqueness, the different colors of the flowers and its different forms also gave the house its beauty.
Her husband had decided to remain in the family house because it reminded him of so much memories and lots of histories were made there. More so, being the first son, he wouldn't want to leave, no first son of the Aberuagbas has ever left the family house, in all the history of the Aberuagbas.
She also liked it in the house, the vegetation around and the cool breeze it always brought, its serenity.

Allahamdulilah, Bisimilahi Ramaani Raheem, these were the first lines of the prayers she'd said before she got distracted by the flowers, looking at the Hibiscus, she gave a deep sigh,  her cheek smiling from her eyes.

She sunk onto her rug, inadvertently hitting her hand against the little kettle she'd used for ablution the water poured on her mat, soaking some part of her hijab, she didn't bother to clean the mess up, she was too distracted to focus on that meaningless accident. Heaving an agonizing smile, Jameelah mumbled, 'how time flies!
I was once glowing like these hibiscus, she thought, she remembered her younger and beautiful self, growing up at the West side of the country, Osun State, in a family of four, and she being the eldest of her three male siblings, their family was somehow the least of families in their community. Her father a retired post master, and her mother a local fabric maker, the family survived on meager fare, her father Mr Ajankoko also was a devoted traditionalist, her mother with a weird religious background, Iya ogo Oluwa as everyone called her, her first name Remilekun had already become dominated by Ogo Oluwa, Oluwa l'ogo had always been her favorite exclamation sound, hence everyone nicknamed her Ogo Oluwa. She goes to Mosque for Asalatu and other services, and often goes to Church too, she believes every religion is centered on worshipping God, regardless where you are, as long as the name of God is called there, and purity is preached too, in any language at all.

The family lived in a two bedroom mud house, a house her father Ajankoko had always filled sacks with sands and stones to hold every corner of it, so as to keep it safe from erosion.

Jameelah grew in this mud house were oceans touch, she was really attractive, very fair to look upon, she rarely fed well, but her skin never stopped glowing, most times at  night she'd hear her mother whispering to her ear, 'you are your father's retirement plan, you are the nourisher of your mother's old age.

She tried standing to touch one of these flowers, but she realized she'd rather remain sunken on her mat and adore these creatures. She saw her life through these flowers, she was 17 when she got betrothed to her husband Teslim, that was three years after she completed her secondary education, one year latter, her marriage rites were performed. It wasn't her decision to get married, she saw her life outside the boundaries of marriage, she knew she wasn't meant for it, but she had to give in to her parents plan of giving her out in marriage, 'you are your fathers's retirement plan, you are your mother's nourisher of old age, these words became a prison in which her invincibility was locked in.

Getting married to Teslim had become a chapter of a book in her life she wished was never opened, but nonetheless she had to live it up. What she wanted for herself was a good life, she wanted a life free of limitation, education was all she needed.
Jameelah remembered her father told her how the Aberuagbas assisted him in getting a job as a post master, even when he was under-qualified, and also promised each other future in-laws.
She loathed this act of theirs,but why do I have to be the sacrificial lamb here? does the Aberuagbas show kindness and expect to be paid back? she asked rhetorically.

Being Mrs Teslim has been a bitter-sweet journey, 30 years old Teslim  hasn't been a bad husband so far, but she loathed his over zealousness when it comes to religion.
She'd been forced into becoming a housewife, made to wear long coverall hijab, restricted from having or visiting friends. These are never how she function, these are not so her.
She'd often become melancholic any time Teslim reminds her of his headship in the house, and how she has been subdued by him as the head. Jameelah swallowed everything thrown to and accepted them as fate.

One cold morning, Teslim almost brought the ceiling off the roof because she missed morning prayers. 'You don't have to do that woman!, that is an act of paganism, Allah would never be happy with anyone who misses even one out of the daily prayers!, he scolded. All her effort to explain how sick she felt that morning fell on rocks, all that mattered to him was that she prayed, even if she was sick or not, as long as she remained in his house.
This  left her sorrowful, she wondered if her dear husband had a different God from the One she knows, cause somehow his own God is so fierce and inconsiderate, from all she had always known and learnt, God is kind and understands everyone's weakness, or somehow, had his religiousness ranked him up to speaking for God that he hasn't even seen?
She also thought about the evening, the weather was so gentle and soothing on the body, she took off her hijab, sitting at the balcony to feel the natural freshness of the air, Teslim almost hit her, called her a sinful woman, condemned her till her cup of goodness was emptied and were refilled with his contempt. Or the other day she was reading a fashion magazine, filled with pictures of undine looking  models, and Teslim walked in scolding her, no follower of Allah reads such! Jameelah almost blurted out, 'is that how much boring this your Faith is, or did you just impose this self indicting torture on yourself, and now want to transfer its testiness on me all in the name of religion? but no! she recoiled her self back in the sacredness of the hijab she wore, hijab that she had found choking, and never stopped praying she doesn't one day slump.

Why didn't my parents tell me these were all it meant marrying a Muslim even a fanatic as Teslim, she'd asked, not expecting an answer from anything or anyone.
She doesn't have a love for religion, religion to her was a way of life and her way of life was reading, that was her love. She thought she'd love or come to accept at least one religion even if it's Islam, but then no!, because Teslim had shown her an adverse extremism of religion, and how sabotaging it is to her personality, she loves nature, she loves trying out new things, she loves fashion, sadly, this religion thing had become a prison.

She had thought so many times of running away, run from this life she is living to the life she loves. 'You are your father's retirement plan, and the nourisher of your mother's old age. She had to hold on to this devotion, she has to die at this post of marriage, for her parents

The dog in the next compound barked, she remained rather too still, she's  Cynophobia, but she wasn't ready to be distracted from this road of thought she was on, she could afford to get distracted from completing ablution, but getting distracted from this road she was on, that was too expensive to afford.
Jameelah was 25 already, 8 horrible years of being Mrs Teslim, and no child yet, she was partly happy she hadn't taken in for Teslim, she wasn't ready to bear the cross of motherhood, marriage had never been a thing for her and giving birth can't be either.
Her hijab had already become dry, she looked at her wrist watch and it was past 45 mins, 45 mins! She exclaimed, i guess this is the most splendid splendid moment of my life,  she began soliloquizing, tears dropping down her eyes.
I'm not meant for this, I have to embrace the life I love, I can't shell it in for too long, i need to unleash these potentials.I know I've been blessed by the universe with something that I can't even tell, I need to know myself more, I need to let my life free, she said tearfully.
Groggily she started up to the room, she took her journal, a black leather coated journal she had sneaked into the house through the help of a neighbor , she began to write, of course she could still read write, she had kept the edges of her intelligence sharp and piercing through her constant reading and writing of her tales in being Mrs Teslim. She wanted to write a long epistle to her husband, it's not worth it, I'm just going to write it to him straight and short, she said. She wrote thus; I'm leaving, I'm not meant for this, I'm going out in search of the life that I love, she tore off the page of her journal in which she wrote and then dropped it on the table, using a glass cup to shield it from falling.

She started for her room, packed few of her things, she did these hurriedly, somehow skeptical, she needn't be lackadaisical else this moment of escape slips and ruins her, as she was packing, she heard a sound at the door, she felt her heart sunk into her stomach, she hurried to the window, looked out, and it was just a Paw-paw that fell onto the rooftop, she heaved a sigh and went back inside, reached for her bag zipper, in 2 mins she was outside, she wanted to admire the natural beauty of the house once more, but she declined that fantasy, she must not let this sudden melancholy ruin things.

She doesn't know or have where to go, but she knew certainly she had to go.
Jameelah defied the odds, she'd taken the risk, she knew that in few hours the news of her disappearance would become a punch. She thought about her poor aged parents, their wish of her being their productive retirement plan, she thought about the impact of her action on her family, she cared less about Teslim, after all they were never fit for each other, she saw the hijab still on her body, testily she removed it, hanged it on one of the trees in the compound. I'll miss you dear sophisticating hijab, I hope I find a new meaning of your essence, and I hope I'll come to love your religion, but until then goodbye, she said.
With her bag still in her hand, she headed out for this improbable journey, unaware of what lies ahead, hoping she'd be happier.

Marriage was meant to be a 'till death do us part thing', but she wasn't ready to wait that long, she hopes by some other way she'd be able to accomplish her parents' wish and become a productive retirement plan to them.

Thank God I just got my Naija passport with work permit- Shatta Wale says.

Proud Naija boy- Shatta Wale says as he claims to drop his Ghanian citizenship for Nigerian's

In a new tweet, the Ghanian music star Shatta Wale has declared he's glad to have gotten a Nigerian passport and  work permit.

Shatta Wale referred to his country Ghana as a village, after celebrities gathered  for a meet and greet with Cardi B whilst the American rapper refused to show up.

Here's his tweet.

I'll rather appreciate a real person than someone who lives in lies - Adunni Ade writes after meeting with Cardi B.

The beautiful Nigerian actress, Adunni Ade does not tolerate any form of negativity, and she has made this known via her latest post on Instagram.

The gorgeous mother of two had taken to her Instagram page to share photos of her first meeting with rapper Cardi B, and she was slammed by many followers who thought she belittled herself.

Responding to all the hate, Adunni stated clearly that no amount of hate can make her steer clear of Cardi as she loves her Music

"folks are real bitter!, tell you! you do good! they envy you, do bad, they were already waiting on your mess up to clown you. I've never been cut from same cloth like a lot! Why so angry???, Why so negative? I do not have friends  I do not need them, but Music has been a healer for me, for a very long time, I love all genre of Music, appreciate a lot of artist but local and international, you could never ever catch me hating on another being, Why? I don't know their pain or struggle or hurt, or source of livelihood. I love Me shommm CardiMusic!! shiiii wait until i meet Angelina Jolie or my Celine  Dion

Lawrddddd damnit! I'll rather appreciate a real person (good or bad) than someone who lives in lies! OluwaBelcalies Marlenis Almanzar notin do you! keep growing in Gods grace 
Even your favorites are fans of other artists! Guess she happens to be one of mines".


Tofumi was in the school hall, she sat with her friend Toke, then a boy came, dressed in coveralls, and a hood, his face was unrecognizable, but the voice was familiar, he moved closer to Tofumi, spanking her ass, Tofumi rose up startled, and enraged, she threw away all the emotional intelligence skills she'd both learned and read.
Why did you have to do that, who do you think you are to do that to me, she heard herself shouting at the boy in hood, as the kerfuffle went on, some group of boys laid a siege around her, all of them looking scary, one of them showed her his pistol, at the sight of this, Tofumi couldn't hear herself speak anymore (she that had lead out so much fracas like an angry lioness had now become still like a sleeping child by the group of boys).
The boys spoke in an incomprehensible language to her, she tried replying to what she didn't even understand but she found her self stammering. She felt cold goose bumps run through her, and she was fearfully chilled.

Tofumi was bewildered seeing Toke laughing whilst these were happening, she tried dismissing the thought of Toke being an ally to these boys, but she couldn't. How possible is that, Toke has been my childhood friend, we are both decent, how can she be ally to these kind of people, she thought.

The boys left her, that was after they tore her cloth, they tore down down from her skirt up to her blouse, leaving her breast exposed, roughly fondling them. Toke followed the boys out.
Tofumi made an attempt to run, but the doors were shut, she was lost in between fear and confusion.
At evening of that same day, two of the boys came to meet her, dressed in red coverall and mask on their faces, she was dragged outside, there she saw over one thousand students, all dressed in different colors of scary attires, some faces were masked and some unmasked. The scenario looked like an Halloween party, sad enough it wasn't.
These were people from different secret fraternities, gathered together, all standing like Zombies, offering bloody renditions, speaking in language that only they could understand.

Tofumi saw some faces she knew, there were lots of teachers there, some of them leading these groups, they were all like wizards and witches on a combined prayer service , and it was apparently her school's turn to conduct the prayer. She was baffled to see some faces she knew there, people she never knew could involve themselves with anything bloody or as dirty as wizardry.
They were lost in their renditions, they seem taken to some ungodly realm, no one dared moved or nudged.

Tofumi the dead body in the midst of hungry Sahara desert Vultures, was petrified, her blood pressure already risen, she prayed over a thousand times In the space of an hour, she was unsure if those prayers had crossed the vegetation surrounding them.
They found in her a fresh meat for dinner, and were saying their  prayers before devouring the meat.

The only thing that kept ringing in her head was escape! Escape! Just like the angel said to Lot in the biblical story of Nineveh her Christian friend once told her.
It turned out to be that she wasn't the only dead body in the midst of these vultures. Behind her was a little boy, in his early teenage, he stood dumb and helpless.

Tofumi felt empathy for the little boy, she gritted her teeth in anger, she wished for some powers of good fate to come possess her. Apparently she wasn't under any form of hypnosis, she was cognizant of everything that happened around her. Now she was ready to do the improbable, the sight of the little boy became a resonating synergy, seeing the little boy's helplessness was all the fuel she needed to take on this improbable journey, he passed a sign message to the little boy, to run  as soon as he sees her take off. The wizards were all immersed in the pool of their sinful renditions, they were totally lost. Is that the much rigor and effort put to work by Vultures before devouring a dead body? she thought, that didn't matter to her, they could die waiting  for the witch of OZ to come give them a go ahead order.

Tofumi said another prayer for the last time, apparently not the last prayer, for as long as she rode on this improbable journey she never ceased to pray. 
She took to her heels, with the little boy right behind her, they were ready to tear the ground with their feet as long as that would lead them to salvation 

These fanatics roared like Lions and wild Bears, seeing that these meats were almost escaping, why had their god taken so long to answer, they pursued after these two.

Tofumi ran faster than a sprint racer, she couldn't hold the hands of the little boy for too long, she let him run by himself, for his dear life. The thousand on a flight against two, were almost catching up with them. 
The two meats at this point parted ways, the road of the improbable journey had been split, and they've both taken the hard choice to run separately.
She ran tirelessly into a little forest, that has an old looking tent at the heart of it, oblivious of what she might face inside it, with the intent of getting refuge, there in the tent, she sunk onto its uneven floor, she was gasping for breath, she felt her throat dry, she needed to rehydrate , but she must have to lock this thirstiness in a Coven of the fear she is already caught up in, she tried her best not to breath too loudly.
She could hear the scampering footsteps of the wizards, she was concerned about the boy, the thin chances of his survival, she had a deep empathy for him, she wished she could go find him, but then she can't jeopardize her successful escape for that. She stood still and motionless, until she could no longer hear the fussiness of the wizards.

Bisimilahi !!, that was too real to be just a dream!!, Tofumi exclaimed, jumping from her bed. She was lying in her room, the air condition blowing too well like it was going into a competition with the natural air, the morning harmattan weather so cold, yet she was sweating profusely like a festival goat.

What kind of dream is this, what could it mean, why was i been chased by a thousand wizard, why was Toke smiling with the bad boys, what about the little boy, who could he be, why did i find myself in the school enviroment, it's been 5 years now since my grad.  What could this dream mean?, it was too scary!!
Tofumi sat on her bed puzzled, she was cold, but at same time she could feel sweats running through her joints. She was too weak to move, she suddenly became gripped by fear of what may happen the next minute.
She lay back on her bed, paralyzed, her countenance changed, her mouth sour, her eyes misty, her head aching like it was going to explode. She paced around the room, petrified and uncertain of her fate.


Burna Boy Tops CNN's List Of Africa's Biggest Music Stars.

CNN has published their list of the top ten biggest music stars in Africa, with Burna boy top on the list. Burna boy has made Nigeria proud again, his hardworks and numerous achievements has opened another door of a greater recognition.
The other Nigerian superstars that also appeared on this published list are WizKid, Yemi Alade, Tiwa Savage, and Mr Eazi.

See full list below

1.                 Burna boy
2     Angelique Kidjo 
       3.      Diamond Platnumz
4.           Yemi Alade
5.     Tiwa Savage 
6.              Wizkid
7.           Mr Eazi
8.     Sho Madjozi
9.  Busiswa Gqulu 
10. Mwila Musonda

RMD and Mike, ex bbn2019 housemate to star in a movie as father and son

Nollywood  veteran actor RMD has taken to his Instagram page, announcing a new movie he'll be playing along side Mike, ex bbn2019 housemate, as father and son.

There are movies you'd hear about its cast, and you're sure it's going to be really worth visiting the cinema for. 
RMD for all record is a very good actor, always giving the best to his fans, and he is super excited as much Mike is about the role they'll be playing together.
Ever since the announcement of the movie everyone is yet to see, his fans has never stopped being happy, because they know the duo are sure to bring something great to the table, being that they've seen Mike  play some role while in bbn house and they know for sure he's a good act.

Here's RMD's post on his Instagram's page:
Meet my son @aireyys mike of bbn2019. I love my job, 
I get to not only meet people, but be their friends or father
Or brother. All through the big brother season. My 17 year old daughter
Was one of those rooting for @aireyys and here I am about to play his Dad
And begin a new journey.
Reveal reveal later. See why I will always remain a cool dad?
Imagine my daughter this Christmas back home, telling all her
friends that she can call @aireyys and speak yo him anytime.
So the question... Do we look like father and son?
#new journey
#spanish face.

                                KISS AND WRITE (TELL)

Makinwa is an avid writer, very adept in it, most times he anonymously writes about girls he laid with, and the ones he almost got laid, how clean they are and how he played with their moons. He already has many likes and followers on Facebook, with several comments and reactions from them.

One thing about Makinwa that I somehow like is that he leaves you puzzled in his stories, they are very much bizarre, he writes them so well, and he leaves his readers pondering on the possibilities of those stories, and how relational they are to real life happening, 'there are so much more than fiction in these stories', a reader once commented. And there are chances of them happening, But he creates the puzzle, leaves you in figuring out the truth behind it.

Makinwa and I have been childhood friends, grew up in same neighborhood, we parted ways after high school, I relocated to to Enugu upon my father's transfer to Radio Corporation Enugu, while he stayed back in Rumuokoro Porthacourt, but we still kept in touch.
 One day, I traveled to porthacourt for a friend's wedding, I couldn't make it to their place early enough and I didn't want to take the risk of walking around an unfamiliar place at an odd hour.
I remembered Makinwa, so i called him, he was too pleased to hear from me, his childhood friend, whom he had last seen over a decade ago.
I told him my plight, he had empathy for me, 'that's not a problem, I'm in Rumuokoro right now, and too good for you it's Marley night, I'll take you grooving, just ask somebody the address of where you are, I'll come meet you there', he said. Ohw! too good, he didn't say I'll come pick you up, I so much hate that phrase, 'pick you up', it makes me feel like some broken doll, or some fallen item, I texted him the address.

I thought about his voice, so sonorously deep, the way he called my name Makayla , made me feel like a princess.
Few minutes later, Makinwa was already with me, we rode in his car to his house, a very beautiful apartment, he made me feel at home, on our way to his house, he stopped at a boutique. He got me a new lingerie, I'd almost blurted out, 'I have my lingerie with me, but I kept calm, I liked the courtesy. Just as we were about to head out of the boutique, he snapped his fingers, 'oh! I almost forgot we're going out for Marley night, let me get  something beautiful you'd wear to the party. He picked this very fine party dress, he knew what exactly would fit perfectly.
Thank you so much Makinwa, that's too much already, i said shyly. come'on there is nothing too much for my all grown beautiful childhood friend, besides i have to do this cause i don't know when i'll see you again so shhhhh, he said.
The party was so lit, it was a bomb, i love partying, Makinwa knows that too, he was glad i enjoyed it.
We went home after the party, he took me to the bathroom, ran the water for me, and then excused me to bath. He brought out the new lingerie, he also gave me a new towel to dry my body, he did just too much, gosh! I  felt like a new wife.

Deep into the night, I lay on same bed with him, his bed was too large to contain the two of us , the air felt and smelt nice, I thought about how many girls had laid on this same bed, I'd  shunned that thought, it isn't my business, I'm just here for genuine reason, to spend just a night and leave the next morning.
I tried to sleep, but somehow I felt an insomnia, I lay as tho I was sleeping, I felt Makinwa stroking his hand around my body. I heard him whisper, 'please Kayla can we?
I momentarily enjoyed the touch, I almost allowed this careless yes slip out, but no! I shouldn't let this moment ruin me.
Makinwa was already pulling this lingerie up, had he intentionally bought that lingerie on purpose for an easy access?. Makayla you don't have to fall for this, I said to myself.

No! Makinwa, I don't want to, I can't do this with you. I've read many of your stories on Facebook, I know you too well, those are more than stories, even if you told me that it's one out them that is a real life happening, and the others fiction, I'll tell you now, that just one out of those stories is a fiction, the rest are real, I wouldn't want to be amongst those stories, I can't do this with you, even if your story about it would completely be anonymous, it'll still hurt reading them.
He exhaled, you're right Kayla, those stories are real, but you different, I won't do that to you.
Non of his tongue in cheek words mattered to me. Lucky for me, Makinwa didn't  force me, he let me be with my decision, and he left the room for me.
I woke up the next morning, and the room felt void of Makinwa's presence, not even his voice was heard. I hurried to the sitting room, I found an envelope with the shape of what looked like money and a note beside it, which read thus: I'm sorry about last night Kayla, take care of yourself, please make do of the little money in that envelope, I couldn't stand seeing your face, so I left before you woke up, I'm really sorry.
Hurriedly I dressed up and left the house. I found my way to my friend's house, I didn't stop thinking about Makinwa, I just felt cruel and wicked, 'but you should have given it to him, he was too nice you know? an inner voice whispered.

No! I said, almost loudly, there was no way I  was going to give it out, not to a kiss and write like Makinwa.

A Queen's college student, reportedly wore eye lash extensions to school, Amara Nnachi Grace, one of the brilliant students in QC, said she wore the lash extensions as a costume for a play they were supposed to have in school, on reaching the school gate, the school security denied her entrance. Her mother whom comedian Alibaba reacted to her actions on instagram, said to her ' happy mother's day', for fighting the school security, in defence for her daughter.
First it's wrong to wear anything that is not part of the school uniform to school, anything not authorised by the school. Secondly the student's mother over reacted by fighting the school security. Even if she wore it as costume as she said, she was supposes to put it in her school bag, wear it when the play starts, and not wearing a false lash to school, both mother and daughter really made history
 The school staff who recorded the fight, and released the video online has been brought to book and will be  sanctioned