Tofumi was in the school hall, she sat with her friend Toke, then a boy came, dressed in coveralls, and a hood, his face was unrecognizable, but the voice was familiar, he moved closer to Tofumi, spanking her ass, Tofumi rose up startled, and enraged, she threw away all the emotional intelligence skills she'd both learned and read.
Why did you have to do that, who do you think you are to do that to me, she heard herself shouting at the boy in hood, as the kerfuffle went on, some group of boys laid a siege around her, all of them looking scary, one of them showed her his pistol, at the sight of this, Tofumi couldn't hear herself speak anymore (she that had lead out so much fracas like an angry lioness had now become still like a sleeping child by the group of boys).
The boys spoke in an incomprehensible language to her, she tried replying to what she didn't even understand but she found her self stammering. She felt cold goose bumps run through her, and she was fearfully chilled.

Tofumi was bewildered seeing Toke laughing whilst these were happening, she tried dismissing the thought of Toke being an ally to these boys, but she couldn't. How possible is that, Toke has been my childhood friend, we are both decent, how can she be ally to these kind of people, she thought.

The boys left her, that was after they tore her cloth, they tore down down from her skirt up to her blouse, leaving her breast exposed, roughly fondling them. Toke followed the boys out.
Tofumi made an attempt to run, but the doors were shut, she was lost in between fear and confusion.
At evening of that same day, two of the boys came to meet her, dressed in red coverall and mask on their faces, she was dragged outside, there she saw over one thousand students, all dressed in different colors of scary attires, some faces were masked and some unmasked. The scenario looked like an Halloween party, sad enough it wasn't.
These were people from different secret fraternities, gathered together, all standing like Zombies, offering bloody renditions, speaking in language that only they could understand.

Tofumi saw some faces she knew, there were lots of teachers there, some of them leading these groups, they were all like wizards and witches on a combined prayer service , and it was apparently her school's turn to conduct the prayer. She was baffled to see some faces she knew there, people she never knew could involve themselves with anything bloody or as dirty as wizardry.
They were lost in their renditions, they seem taken to some ungodly realm, no one dared moved or nudged.

Tofumi the dead body in the midst of hungry Sahara desert Vultures, was petrified, her blood pressure already risen, she prayed over a thousand times In the space of an hour, she was unsure if those prayers had crossed the vegetation surrounding them.
They found in her a fresh meat for dinner, and were saying their  prayers before devouring the meat.

The only thing that kept ringing in her head was escape! Escape! Just like the angel said to Lot in the biblical story of Nineveh her Christian friend once told her.
It turned out to be that she wasn't the only dead body in the midst of these vultures. Behind her was a little boy, in his early teenage, he stood dumb and helpless.

Tofumi felt empathy for the little boy, she gritted her teeth in anger, she wished for some powers of good fate to come possess her. Apparently she wasn't under any form of hypnosis, she was cognizant of everything that happened around her. Now she was ready to do the improbable, the sight of the little boy became a resonating synergy, seeing the little boy's helplessness was all the fuel she needed to take on this improbable journey, he passed a sign message to the little boy, to run  as soon as he sees her take off. The wizards were all immersed in the pool of their sinful renditions, they were totally lost. Is that the much rigor and effort put to work by Vultures before devouring a dead body? she thought, that didn't matter to her, they could die waiting  for the witch of OZ to come give them a go ahead order.

Tofumi said another prayer for the last time, apparently not the last prayer, for as long as she rode on this improbable journey she never ceased to pray. 
She took to her heels, with the little boy right behind her, they were ready to tear the ground with their feet as long as that would lead them to salvation 

These fanatics roared like Lions and wild Bears, seeing that these meats were almost escaping, why had their god taken so long to answer, they pursued after these two.

Tofumi ran faster than a sprint racer, she couldn't hold the hands of the little boy for too long, she let him run by himself, for his dear life. The thousand on a flight against two, were almost catching up with them. 
The two meats at this point parted ways, the road of the improbable journey had been split, and they've both taken the hard choice to run separately.
She ran tirelessly into a little forest, that has an old looking tent at the heart of it, oblivious of what she might face inside it, with the intent of getting refuge, there in the tent, she sunk onto its uneven floor, she was gasping for breath, she felt her throat dry, she needed to rehydrate , but she must have to lock this thirstiness in a Coven of the fear she is already caught up in, she tried her best not to breath too loudly.
She could hear the scampering footsteps of the wizards, she was concerned about the boy, the thin chances of his survival, she had a deep empathy for him, she wished she could go find him, but then she can't jeopardize her successful escape for that. She stood still and motionless, until she could no longer hear the fussiness of the wizards.

Bisimilahi !!, that was too real to be just a dream!!, Tofumi exclaimed, jumping from her bed. She was lying in her room, the air condition blowing too well like it was going into a competition with the natural air, the morning harmattan weather so cold, yet she was sweating profusely like a festival goat.

What kind of dream is this, what could it mean, why was i been chased by a thousand wizard, why was Toke smiling with the bad boys, what about the little boy, who could he be, why did i find myself in the school enviroment, it's been 5 years now since my grad.  What could this dream mean?, it was too scary!!
Tofumi sat on her bed puzzled, she was cold, but at same time she could feel sweats running through her joints. She was too weak to move, she suddenly became gripped by fear of what may happen the next minute.
She lay back on her bed, paralyzed, her countenance changed, her mouth sour, her eyes misty, her head aching like it was going to explode. She paced around the room, petrified and uncertain of her fate.